Friday, September 18, 2009

Lena Chen: "I HAVE AN STD!!"

Date: September 18th, 2009 10:05 AM
Author: ,.,.,.,,.,.,.,.,.,.,,.,..,,....,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,..,,

Why I Won't Shut Up About Having HPV

Yet another chapter of the Autoadmit vs. Lena Chen Saga

Thursday, September 3, 2009

ITT we offer advice to associates starting this fall

Date: September 3rd, 2009 12:25 AM
Author: cap\'n crunch

I am an associate at a large NY firm and am on pace for 2500 or so. Won't give more details than that.

ITT we offer advice to the class of '09 as they begin their legal careers at large firms.

PROTIP #1: ALWAYS be available. At my firm, people who were willing to work all day Thanksgiving got onto a huge case that led to enormous amounts of work. Some people who prioritized their families now can't provide for them. Remember, this is a service business. Your job as a junior associate is to provide service to the people senior to you. Think of them as your clients.

Do NOT come in with a list of blocked off Fall weekends of weddings of college friends. You are a first year in BIGLAW; you can't make those weddings. I will not stop you from going to them (although at some firms they will), but I won't give you work if there is someone else who is willing to work for a living.

PROTIP #2: Take as much work as possible. Not only are you gaining skills but you are keeping opportunities from other members of your class who might otherwise surpass you. Be VERY cognizant of the relative abilities of your peers; if you don't know who sucks, it is you and you will be gone.
